Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Henry, the bird savant

Henry has an amazing knack of identifying all sorts of birds. The boy loves birds! We do have lots of bird books, but I am totally amazed by his memory for birds. We also have several feeders in the yard and he can name pretty much every type of bird that comes to the feeders. The other day he was looking through a bird ID book and was pointing out herons, egrets and then really surprised me and pointed to the cormorant. Wow - he is good!

Me, Claudia

Claudia's vocabulary and sense of self is moving right along.
Whenever she has done or will do something she says: Me, Claudia.

R: Who spilled juice all over the floor?
C: Me, Claudia (and pats chest)

D: Who's gonna give Daddy a kiss?
C: Me, Claudia (smooch)

Monday, January 05, 2009

baby on the move

Well - as most of you know, we like to torture ourselves and not find out the gender of our kids until they pop out. So ... I would like to make an official prediction - this kid is already kicking at 15 weeks - like pow - kick! My theory here is that it is a boy. Henry kicked the fire out of me and I hardly ever felt Claudia. However, if this active kick-boxing lemon sized baby turns out to be a girl - I think we are in trouble!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Carolina bowl game

Danny, his sister Susan, his Uncle Dennis, mom Kathy and dad Dennis all took in the Carolina v. West Virginia bowl game. Sadly, Carolina lost in the last seconds.

Biltmore vacay

Danny and I were able to get away for a couple of days without the kids. We went up to Asheville and got to eat at "adult" restaurants and go to a movie and take a 2 hour walking tour of the Biltmore house. Oh - and eat chocolates - for the baby! ;-)

Holiday Fotos