We, as parents, try to reason with Henry and try to point out consequences to an action. For instance - yesterday he was standing in the road on the dead end street beside our house. I asked him several times to get out of the road. Then I asked him if he would like to be hit by a car because that's what can happen when you stand in the road. He said he would and then I explained that he did not really want to because it would really hurt and Mommy and Jeff (a witness) would be sad if that happened. I occasionally use this technique when he is rough with Claudia - do
you want to be pinched? do
you want to be hit? etc. Later in the evening Henry used his own powers of reasoning with me - I had scolded him and feeling the dread of being scolded he changed the subject to asking me about my interest in being in pain.
Conversation as follows:
H: Do you want to be hit by a car?
Me: No - I do not.
H: Do you want to get hit by a wall?
Me: No - I do not.
H: Do you want to get hit by a house?
Me: No - I do not.
H: Do you want to be hit by a couch?
Me: No - I do not want to be hit by anything.
H: How bout this pillow? This pillow will make you better.