Claudia asleep at the top of the stairs - this is what happens when she naps and then won't go to sleep at a normal time - she changes her clothes many times, gets into things in her room and eventually passes out at the top of the stairs!
Baby Sunshine!
Well, the baby is going to be one in two weeks. It is really quite hard to believe. He has just started crawling with a funny little scooter type thing much the same way Henry did. It is pretty darling really. He claps when he wants to be picked up, he clicks his mouth when he wants something to drink, so there is some communicating going on. We seem to be posting less and less frequently these days. Could it be because we are so busy? That and loading photos on here takes forever! The kids are good - going to camp this week in the mornings which is good for all concerned. I am not incredibly patient with three kids at home all week. Looking forward to the summer and some weeks at the beach. We will post again! Stay posted ...