Friday, March 30, 2007
Master 95th
Well, just had to report that for Henry's two year checkup he weighed 32 pounds and was 36 1/2 inches. His height and head circumference are approximately 95th percentile while his weight is 85th - a disappointing figure, we will try to beef him up before the three year appointment. I know that there is some magic age where you are half the size you will be as an adult. Let's hope it is two, otherwise he might be a giant. He is half of Danny's height right now. Okay - I know feel caught up on the blog. rks
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The NC Zoo
We decided that if we would drive eight hours to Cincinnati to go to the zoo, we might as well drive and hour and a half to the NC Zoo. The weather was in the eighties and quite sunny. We walked over five miles and were all pretty pooped by the end, but a great trip and we joined the zoo so we plan to go again soon. Henry loved it - especially the new playground. My favorite part was the RJ Reynolds Aviary (always get a charge out of the irony there). Enjoy the pics - and go to the Zoo!
Cincinnati or Bust!
Well, the Stinehelfer gang went up to Cincinnati for Danny's Spring Break - yes, not your typical Spring Break destination, but what can we say. We're not your typical Spring Breakers. We got to visit with Aunt Susan, Great Uncle Dennis and Tim, Great-great Aunt Joan and Uncle Jim, and our friends the DeAngelos. We saw a lot of Cincy sights - the zoo, the Children's Museum and the Natural Science museum, Graeter's ice cream shoppe, a Gymboree outlet, and several bars to watch ACC ballgames.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Miss 25th Percentile
Well, Claudia and Henry are very different babies in many ways. One of them is their girth. Claudia has gained two pounds since her first doctor's appointment - she is now 8.4 and 20 1/2 inches, so that is terrific and lands her in the 25th percentile for weight (Henry was 98th). So, essentially, Claudia now weighs and measures what Henry did at birth. The doctor was impressed with her progress and even thought she might be tracking already. Anyway, a good report from the doctor today. Go baby girl!
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